Here you will find some of the many models, garage kits, prop replicas and other assorted goodies constructed for
and inspired by the Alien legacy. There has been a flood of new kits coming in from several Japanese companies
like Tsukuda Hobby and Fewture. A fantastic selection of unique garage kits has emerged from the UK and other parts
of Europe, as well as American suppliers. Hopefully as the modeling and garage kit industry continues to grow, this
will be just the beginning of what's to come! This page will always be under construction and I'm always looking
for more pics to put up, so if you got 'em, send 'em in!
Licensed Model Kits
Original Alien model kit
1999 re-issue of above
Tsukuda Hobby
Alien Warrior "Jumbo Figure Series" (similar to Kenner's original figure) 
additional pic of above 
Rereleased and repackaged versions of several of the original Halcyon kits
Alien vs. Predator Vinyl Model Kit
Dark Horse
Alien Warrior Model Kit (Randy Bowen sculpt) 
Alien 3 Warrior Model Kit (Bill Merklein sculpt) 
Copy of Original Alien kit RARE (copy of original MPC kit in large box with two kits inside) 
Alien Warrior Model Kit (S. Yamashita sculpt)
Alien Warrior Model Kit (Alien IV Giger version)
Alien Queen Model Kit 
Alien Warrior Model Kit (deformed)
Fewture Models
Alien Resurrection Alien Warrior (Takayuki Takeya sculpt) 
Alien Resurrection Newborn (Yuji Oniki sculpt)
Alien Pile 
AEF Designs
Aliens miniature figures
AC-1 Ripley in combat pose
AC-1b Ripley in escape pose
AC-2 Newt
AC-3 Bishop in combat/escape pose with laptop
AC-3b Bishop torn apart
AC-4 Burke
AC-5 Mr. Jordan (Newt's Dad) with egg (only in collector box set) 
AC-6 Mrs. Jordan (Newt's Mom) (only in collector box set) 
AC-7 Timmy (Newt's brother) with chair (only in collector box set) 
AM-1 Corporal Hicks with shotgun
AM-2 Smart Gunner Drake
AM-3 Private Frost
AM-4 Medic Dietrich
AM-5 Seargent Apone with binoculars
AM-6a Vasquez with pulse rifle
AM-6 Smart Gunner Vasquez
AM-7 Private Hudson
AM-8 Private Wierzbowski
AM-9 Private Crowe
AM-10 Lt. Gorman with chair
AM-11 Pilot Ferro with dropship ejection seat
AM-12 Co-Pilot Spunkmeyer with dropship ejection seat
AV-1 Powerloader 
AX-1 Warrior A inverted
AX-2 Warrior B grasping
AX-3 Warrior C kneeling
AX-4 Warrior D fetal
AX-5 Egg assortment with 5 different eggs
AX-5b Egg assortment closed with 5 closed eggs
AX-6 Facehuggers and Chestbursers
AX-7 Alien Queen 
AX-8 Queen Egg Chamber (Queen is different from AX-7) 
AE-1 Completion kit with M41A Pulse rifle
AE-2 Completion kit with Flamethrower
AE-3 Completion kit with Smartgun
ME-1 Equipment Kit #1 Helmets, Light, Welder, Motion Tracker, Pulse Rifle, Pistol, Pouches
ME-2 Equipment Kit #2 Helmets, Light, Welder, Motion Tracker, Flamethrower, Pistol, Pouches, Knife
ME-3 Equipment Kit #3 Helmets, Light, Welder, Motion Tracker, Pistol, Pouches, Knife
Nostromo (rare)
Nostromo (boxed) 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 1 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 2 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 3 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 4 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 5 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 6 
Nostromo Instruction Sheet 7 
Promotional brochure (front) 
Promotional brochure 
Promotional brochure (back) 
Geometric Designs
Alien Warrior (Aliens) 
Alien Warrior base
Alien Warrior diorama base
Lt. Ellen Ripley (Aliens) with base (Ltd. Ed of 20)
Lt. Ellen Ripley (Aliens)
Ripley customizing kit #1
Dropship (HALO2) 
Power Loader with Ripley (HAL03) 
Alien Warrior with Base and Egg (HALO4) 
Narcissus (HAL10) 
Alien Creature (HAL11) 
USS Sulaco (HAL12) 
Attacking Alien with Base (HAL14) 
Alien Warrior (HT01) 
Face Hugger (HT02) 
Nostromo (HT03) 
Space Jockey (HT04) 
Alien Queen (HT 05) 
Face Hugger with Queen Alien Fetus (HT06) 
Dog Burster (HT07) 
Chestburster (HT20) 
Alien Queen Chestburster (HT21) 
Prepainted Statues
Alien Warrior 
Alien Warrior B 
Alien Warrior Bust 
Alien Queen Bust 
Alien Queen Bust (boxed) 
Chestburster Bust 
Alien Warrior Statue
Space Jockey Diorama
Alien Egg
"Aliens" Alien Warrior Bust 
Facehugger with Victim Bust
Sideshow Collectibles
Giger's Alien Miniature Autographed Bust (w/ Hollywood Collectors Gallery) 
Alien Head 1:1 
Aliens Queen Alien 1/4 Scale Bust 
Aliens Alien Warrior 1:1 Bust 
"The Alien" Alien Warrior 
Pic 2 
Pic 3 
Pic 4 
Pic 5 
Pic 6 
Pic 7 
AvP Prepainted Statue 
AvP Scar Predator ArtFX Statue 
AvP Warrior Alien ArtFX Statue 
Custom Action Figures
EVA Models
USCM Rifleman kit for 12" action figures (Chris Chulamanis sculpt)
Space Marine
Fully painted and assembled armor for 12" action figures (John Lindsey sculpt)
Colonial Marine
One of a kind custom Colonial Marine GI Joe conversion (Jimbob-Wan sculpt)
Nemesis World
One of a kind custom Private Hudson figure complete with box art (Gary Anderson sculpt)
Corporal Hicks (Germany)
Custom Corporal Hicks GI Joe conversion
Custom Vehicles
Radio Control APC
Scratch Built RC APC with working lights and rail gun (Robert Haverfield sculpt)
Prop Replicas
Marco Enterprises
M41A Pulse Rifle
Smart Gun Clip
Locator Set
SD Studios
M41A Pulse Rifle (limited edition fabricated from plastic and metal parts)
Pic 1 (credit Frank Cerney collection) 
Pic 2 (credit Frank Cerney collection) 
Colonial Marine Lampbox 
M40 Grenades 
Call/Johner Betty Crew Handgun
Fyberdyne Laboratories
Colonial Marine Armor (fiberglass)
Icons Authentic Prop Replicas
M41A Pulse Rifle "background" version 
M41A Pulse Rifle "hero" version (prototype only)
Universal Armorer/The Klingon Armorer
M41A Pulse Rifle 
M41A Pulse Rifle (The Klingon Armorer packaging) 
Flame Thrower 
Smart Gun 
Fiction & Fantasy Models
M41A Pulse Rifle (metal)
M41A Pulse Rifle (resin)
Motion Tracker 
Colonial Marine Armor
John Riddel Productions
Colonial Marine Armor
Relics (UK)
M41A Pulse Rifle 
ad copy of above 
additional pic of above 
Smart Gun 
additional pic of above 
Flame Thrower 
Science Shop
M41A Pulse Rifle 
additional pic of above 
EDC Studios
M Series Grenades
Empire Kollectibles
M41A Pulse Rifle (metal)
VP70 Automatic
Plasma Welder
Call/Johner Betty Crew Handgun
Golden Age Productions
M41A Pulse Rifle (assembled) 
additional pic of above 
M41A Pulse Rifle (kit)
M280 Flame Thrower
Raven Stone Games
M41A Pulse Rifle. 3 piece kit with USCM symbol in handle
Ricochet Reproductions
Smart Gun
Plasma Welder
Auriga Rifle
Phase II/Terran Trader/Star Arms
M41A Pulse Rifle (PH023)
M280 Flame Thrower (PH029) 
M40 Grenades (PH030)
Hand Grenade (PH031)
M56 Smart Gun (PH032)
VP70 (Phase II) (PH033) 
Colonial Marine Helmet (Phase II) (PH034)
Personal Locator (Phase II) (PH035)
Motion Tracker
Genesis (UK)
Colonial Marine M3 Body Armour
Colonial Marine Breast Plate
Prop Shop (UK)
1:3 10" M41A Pulse Rifle
1:3 16" M56 Smart Gun
Monsters in Motion (US/Japan)
Version 1 M41A Pulse Rifle kit sold in the US imported from Japan
Version 2 M41A Pulse Rifle kit
Alien Flamethrower
M41A Pulse Rifle
Smart Gun
Plasma Welder
Colonial Marine Armor
Colonial Marine Helmet
GEM Reproductions
M41A Pulse Rifle kit 
kit components of above 
M41A Pulse Rifle
Smartgun Headset/Sight 
Alberta Industry Models (Canada)
M41A Pulse Rifle (TBD)
GW2 Designs
M41A Pulse Rifle
M41A Pulse Rifle Display Rack (limited edition)
Smart Gun Battery
Belt Tool
Personal Locator Set (Tube and Wrist Receiver)
Gerber Knife
Phil Steinschneider
Carter Burke Business Card (limited edition)
Pulse Rifle Storage Box
Thermalized Plastics
Colonial Marine Helmet Mic 
additional pic of above 
Colonial Marine Lampbox 
Deck 36
Motion Tracker
M40 Grenades (metal)
Resin Otter (Japan)
VP-70 kit with box art 
Auriga Pistol kit with box art 
Spat Cave
M41A Pulse Rifle
M3 Body Armor
Masterpiece Replicas
Motion Tracker Display Case 
additional pic of above 
M13 (Shawn Morgan sculpt)
Nostromo Crew Sidearm 
additional pic of above 
Completed model 
Close-up of completed model 
Left side of completed model 
Nozzle area of above 
Mid-section of above 
Left side detailing of completed model 
Right side detailing of completed model 
Completed model 
Brown Bess model 
Brown Bess model 
Brown Bess model 
Brown Bess model 
Unknown (Japan)
M41A Pulse Rifle kit 
M41A Pulse Rifle kit (boxed) 
M41A Pulse Rifle
3 solid piece kit VERY EARLY replica. Please contact us if you have any info on this item.
M41A Pulse Rifle
Flame Thrower
Auriga Shock Rifle
Call/Johner Betty Crew Handgun 
Garage Kits
"Struggle" Alien vs. Vasquez 
Grey Zon Sculpture Lab
Xenomorph Skull
Xenomorph Queen Skull
Xenomorph Stasis Tube
Star Wars Emporium (UK)
Star Beast (Lee Ames Alien Warrior sculpt)
Game Over (Hicks & Hudson vs. Two Warriors) 
Alien vs. Predator (Lee Ames sculpt) 
Ripley Clone #8 (Pineapple Bros. sculpt)
Kane & Egg Diorama (Lee Ames sculpt) 
Village Comics
Colonial Marine 
"Kill Me" Alien Victim 
Alien Base (Ian Dickson sculpt) 
Espi Productions
Colonial Marine with Alien base
Oz Shop
Alien Warrior (Yuji Kaida sculpt) 
additional pic of above 
Facehugger Bust 
Alien Egg
Fifth Sense
1:6 Bug Hunt (Alien vs. Predator)
Badass Vasquez
Badass Hicks
Seahorse Models
Derelict Ship 
Derelict Ship with Base and Certificate 
Derelict Diorama/Model (MIM recast) 
Xenomorphus Rex
Alien Queen 
Queen Chestburster
Japanese Resin Craft (JRC)
Facehugger Boxed 
Chestburster Boxed 
Mental Mischief
Aliens Chestburster 
Flying Gung Brothers
Stalking Xenomorph
Emperor (Alien)
King Alien
Industrial Resin Craft
Warrior (photo of recast) 
Resin D'etre (Nick Tanguma sculpt)
Xenomorph Bust 
Endless Enterprises
Nostromo logo Plaque
USCM Eagle logo Plaque
Bug Stompers logo Plaque 
Alien Warrior 
Alien Enterprises
Genocide Alien vs. Predator (Chris Moody sculpt) 
Bug Hunter (Machiko from Alien vs. Predator)
Bug Hunt (Machiko vs. Alien, Chris Moody sculpt) 
Lil Monsters
Alien Nest 
Alien Bust 
Alien Warrior (crouching on tall base) 
Alien 3 Warrior 
Giger Alien 
Ripley Clone 1
Ripley Clone 3
Ripley Clone 6 
Voo Doo Babes
Alien Dog Crusher 
Alien Queen 
Alien Plaque
Crouching Alien 
Dimensional Designs
Alien Skull
Chestburster (Terry Lattimer sculpt)
Lattimer Productions
Jayco Hobbies
Alien Eggs with detailed interior 
Alien Clear Egg with Facehugger inside 
Alien Hybrid (Ian Coulter sculpt) 
Alien Hybrid 2 (Ian Coulter sculpt) 
Alien Hybrid with Shot Marine (Louis Vasquez sculpt) 
Queen Killer (Ripley)
German Garage
1:1 scale Alien head bust
Shock the New (Bruce Hansing sculpt)
1:1 scale Alien head bust
Alien Queen
Aqua Alien 
Billiken Shoukai (Japan)
Hard rubber relief/sculpture. 18" square x 5" deep
Amaze Workshop
Predator slaying Alien diorama
White Dwarf
Xenomorph Skull (Ken Giannetti sculpt)
Matsuda (Japan)
Takeya (Japan)
Gort (Japan)
1:8 Alien 3 Warrior 
Sagae (sculpt)
Alien Resurrection Call and Johner Diorama 
Wayne Hanson (sculpt)
Frank Cerney (sculpt)
Stasis Tube 
Paul Fay (sculpt)
Alien Plaque 
Nick Tanguma (sculpt)
Alien Warrior Bust
Harley Azbell (sculpt)
Alien Base (w/eggs)
Jean-Louis Crinon (sculpt)
Alien Egg
Sandy Collara (sculpt)
Spacejockey in Navigator's chair
Thomas Kuntz (sculpt)
Alien Queen 
Bill Merklin (sculpt)
Alien 3 Warrior
Mike Wowczuk (sculpt)
Alien Warrior/Predator Hybrid (1993 Chiller Show exclusive)
Alien King & Base 
Jay Dee Models (UK)
Alien Plaque
Facehugger Bust
Limited Edition 1:6 Alien Warrior with base
Reshape (UK)
Limited Edition Man Burster
Alien Egg
USS Sulaco 
Crouching Predator (S204)
Crouching Alien (S205) 
Space Jockey (S293)
Alien Warrior (S286)
C&G (UK)
Alien Apocalypse 1:6 Alien Warrior with base of skulls
Genocide (Aliens vs. Predator) 1:6 cold cast porcelain
Phantom (UK)
Genesis (UK)
Limited Edition Alien Queen (GS048)
Mooncrest (UK)
Alien Egg & Cylinder
Alien Queen Fetus
Terran Trader (UK)
Nodding Alien 3
Creative Castings (UK)
Nodding Alien 3
FX Models (UK)
5" Nostromo 
Fiction & Fantasy Models
Alien Wall Plaque (large plaque with warrior head bursting through)
Resin Heaven (Chris Moody sculpt)
Genocide: Aliens vs. Predator (Fine Scale Modeler Magazine 1997 Show Special limited edition) 
Fantome (France)
White metal Alien Warrior. 54mm 
White metal Chestburster 
Fantasy Figures
Alien 1:6 Source: Toy Shop #193 page 45
Alien base with egg 1:8 Source: Toy Shop #193 page 45
Alien (pre-painted) Source: Toy Shop #193 page 45
Chestburster (pre-painted) Source: Toy Shop #193 page 45
Silent Shadows
Crouching Alien statue 
Dark Art Sculptures (Christian sculpt)
Giger Plaque 
Thailand GK Network
Alien Skull 
Yellow Pearl (Jeff H. Johnson sculpt, 1992)
Alien Warrior with Ripley Base (limited edition of 30) 
Completed kit 
Back View 
Completed Face and Torso 
Alternative Images (Harley Azbell sculpt)
Bolaji Alien Warrior 
Jaguar Models (Susumu Sugita sculpt Japan)
Alien Mother 
Anthony Adrian Veilleux sculpt
Alien Resurrection Ripley Clone #3 
Liquid Factory
Alien vs. Predator 
Legends & Lore
Facehugger Bust 
HR Giger Alien Warrior Bust 
HR Giger Alien Warrior Bust with dome 
Massacre Models
Alien Warrior 
Alien Queen 
Inside kit 
XO Facto
Lucky Star (Ripley) 
Scale Model Technologies
22" Dropship (Alfred Wong sculpt) 
APC (Alfred Wong sculpt) 
Betty Transport Ship 
Elder Predator 
additional pic 2 
additional pic 3 
The Resin Laboratory/Vander 3D Modelmakers (Dan van der Fransen sculpt)
Ripley (Alien) 1:6 scale 
The Creature (Alien) 1:6 scale 
The Newborn (Alien: Resurrection) 1:8 scale 
Nostromo Refinery Platform (unreleased)
Simian Productions
Ripley and Jones Bust (Alien) 
Deluted Concepts
Predator Bust (Alien) 
Revenge Monst Store
Alien vs. Predator (Narin sculpt) 
Predator Sword Hands (Narin sculpt) 
Forbidden Zone
1:4 Scale Powerloader 
Super Deformed Kits
Oz Shop
Super Deformed Alien Warrior 
Super Deformed Kane
Super Deformed APC
Super Deformed Dropship
Super Deformed Alien 
additional pic of above (assembled) 
Super Deformed Queen Alien Spearing Bishop 
Timeless Entertainment
Super Deformed Warrior with Hatching Egg
Mad Lab Models
Super Deformed Alien Warrior 
Super Deformed Kane with Chestburster and Facehugger attached 
additional pic of above 
Monster Shop
Super Deformed Nostromo Astronaut
Super Deformed Alien Warrior
Super Deformed Queen Alien Spearing Bishop
U Tom
Super Deformed Alien Warrior (Aliens) 
Super Deformed Alien Warrior 
Unknown Superdeformed Kits
Accessory Kits
Flashing Powerloader light for Halcyon kit
Battery Clip for above
Power Supply for above
Small scale APC for Halcyon Dropship 
Kit and box 
Missile pods for Halcyon Dropship
Arm claws for Halcyon Powerloader
Giger Alien from Artwork
Spacejockey in Navigator's chair
Kane with Egg
Alien Warrior (Japan)
Alien Queen (Japan)
Alien Warrior Skull
Aliens vs. Superman
Small Alien plaque
Dancing Chestburster (Spaceballs) 
Alien 3 Warrior (resin)
Alien 3 Warrior (porcelin cast)
Facehugger plaque
Alien 3 poster Queen Chestburster (sperm image) 
Chestburster prop
Alien Queenburster in jar
Female Predator Warrior overlooking dead Alien Warriors
Standing Alien Warrior (Japan) Source: AFM #13 page 89
Alien 3 Creature in motion (Japan) Source: AFM #13 page 89
Ripley Clones (Japan) Source: AFM #13 page 89
Full Size Ripley Clones (several different)
Predator with Alien base (Mad Model Party 1998 exclusive) 
Aliens Chestburster (from female "Kill Me" victim) 
Plaque (UK) 
Plaque (Germany) 
Plaque (France) 
Warrior Mouth Plaque (France) 
Vasquez (limited edition) 
additional pic of above 
Warrior Head (limited edition) 
Warrior Plaque (Japan) 
Chestbuster Plaque 
"Alas, Poor Yorick" Alien holding skull 
Metal Giger Alien 
Predator Starship 
Alien 3 Ripley 
Unknown Alien Warrior 
Base of above 