Exclusive Offers and Information for Aliens Collectors!

This page will provide you with a gateway of external links to exclusive information on rare, unique, custom, high end and hard to find collectibles! If you're aware of a product you think other collectors will enjoy or have any feedback whatsoever, please let us know. These links are for informational purposes only and always exercise caution when shopping online.

John Riddell Productions

The man behind the fantastic Alien Warrior costumes seen at Alien War is proud to show limited edition collectibles featuring his work! Click on the above link to check them out!

SD Studios

The best Pulse Rifle parts kits ever made.

Derrick Baena Productions

Who isn't a fan of the M41A Pulse Rifle? Check out Derrick's unbelievable owners maual!


Makers of the most amazing Smartgun Site/Headset kit!

Thermalized Plastics

Thermalized Plastics makes incredible USCM gear including working Shoulder Lamps and Helmet Mics as well as Space Above & Beyond props and more! Click on the above link for complete info!

Jim Shima's Voice Amp Effects

Click on the above link to go directly to Jim's site where you can find Pulse Rifle digital counter schematics, sound boards and more!

Sicorps Productions

Sicorps makes fantastic Motion Tracker Scanners from Hama viewers. Click on the above link for complete info!

Tim Oei Productions

Tim Oei manufacturers replacement domes for your Original Kenner Alien Action Figure! Click on the above link for complete info!


EFP manufacturers replacement jaws for your Original Kenner Alien Action Figure! Click on the above link for further info!

Design Paul Champagne DVD Collector's Cases

Paul Champagne constructs some incredible custom DVD cases for your Alien Legacy set and more. Visit his site to check out some amazing work!